Good afternoon Santo Niño Families! Due to extremely cold temperatures forecasted for tomorrow morning, we will be on a 2 hour delay schedule. There will NOT be morning bus service. Staff should arrive by 9:30am and Students by 10:00am. Stay warm and safe! Stay warm ands safe!
QR Code for Turkey Bingo Presales
Presale for Turkey Bingo packets will close at 12:00 PM on 11/15/2024
You will be able to purchase packets at the door. Doors open at 5:00 PM at St. Anne's parish.
Lukas Cordova,
Jennifer Cramer,
Ray Lucero Jr.,
Jon Lutz,
Joaquin Marquez,
Liddie Martinez,
Bertram Quintana.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! THANK YOU for supporting our Angels!
The date for Twice is Nice has been changed. Twice is Nice sale will be on September 20th (Wednesday) from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Enter through the Cafeteria doors.
Santo Niño Regional Catholic School cannot exist without the generosity of our parishes and donors like you. A Promise of Hope and Healing will help our school to raise the funds that we would ordinarily garner from in-person events and fundraisers. WE THANK YOU.