Please contact our school if your child needs to take medicaine at school.
If possible, medications should be given at home. If it is essential that a student receive medication during the school day, the school or trained staff may give the medicine to a student.
DO NOT send medications to school with your child. Parents must personally deliver medications to the school in their original container, and sign requried consent forms (see link to forms).
Prescription, Emergency & OTC Medications
If over-the-counter (non-prescription) medication is needed for more than 3 consecutive days, a written order from a health care provider is required.
Emergency medications like inhalers and Epi-pens may be carried by the student; however, provider orders and additional paperwork are still required. Please see the office staff..
Prescription Medications taken during the school day will need additional paperwork to be filled out by your child's health care provider. (see link to forms)